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Properties: Digestive / Well-being / Feminine equilibrium / Joy / Creativity 

Ingredients: Lemon verbena / Calendula / Fennel 

Svadisthana is the second layer of our identity and is associated with our emotions. It is here that we become aware of our right to feel - pleasure in particular. The Sacral Chakra is located at the lower abdomen and is related to the reproductive system. 

A balanced Svadhisthana enables us to trust our feelings and to open our creativity.  It is represented by stability in one’s sexuality, sensuality, and emotions. 

Our Tea is made using 100% organically grown and harvested herbs from our farm, never mixed with any fillers or added flavourings. 

Brewing suggestions:
1 pers: 1tsp
Brewing temperature 90°
Brewing time 5 min

Store in a cool dry place.

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  • Sulla

    Increases the vital energy and feeling of stability.

  • Lemon Grass

    Helps relieve stress, anxiety, and depression.